Join the VIP club and guarantee yourself the best seat in the house, every time!
Upgrade your experience now!
Gain VIP Entrance privileges with exclusive reserved seating, enjoy live and online recognition live, and secure 4 complimentary tickets.
Enjoy 10 complimentary tickets!
In addition to VIP Entrance benefits, receive a series of social media shout-outs as a Silver Sponsor. Gain in-person and online exposure with direct links and acknowledgment in the program booklet.
Unlock full-season perks with 18 complimentary tickets!
Enhance your engagement with the opportunity to insert marketing fliers in programs and a chance to host a branded display at the event venue.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill
Join the VIP club and guarantee yourself the best seat in the house, every time!
Upgrade your experience now!
Building a stronger community starts with supporting our children’s dreams.
Boost your brand’s visibility and reputation by investing in our children’s future.
Maximize your business’s impact while minimizing your tax burden.
Sponsor benefits are valid from the time you become a sponsor until the end of the season, with the sponsorship periods being January–June for the Spring season and July–December for the Fall season.
VIP Entrance: Elevate your experience with exclusive reserved seating, granting you entry to the venue without the hassle of arriving early to secure prime spots in a general admission setup. VIPs enjoy reserved seating for 4 tickets, ensuring access to the VIP section whether they’re using complimentary or paid tickets.
Complimentary Tickets: Four complimentary tickets with VIP entrance (at Will Call)
Website Tribute: Name listed as a Bronze level sponsor on our website
Event Live Recognition: Acknowledgment before each performance as a Bronze Sponsor.
Program Booklet Recognition: Name listed in the program booklet as a Bronze Level Sponsor
Complimentary Tickets: Ten complimentary tickets with VIP entrance (at Will Call)
Social Media Shout-out: Gain recognition as a Silver Sponsor through a series of strategically spaced Facebook posts. Enjoy 3 Facebook posts spread out monthly, ensuring consistent and impactful exposure to our online audience.
VIP Entrance: Elevate your experience with exclusive reserved seating, granting you entry to the venue without the hassle of arriving early to secure prime spots in a general admission setup. VIPs enjoy reserved seating for 4 tickets, ensuring access to the VIP section whether they’re using complimentary or paid tickets.
Website Tribute: Name or business listed as a Silver Level Sponsor on our website
Event Live Recognition: Acknowledgment before each performance as a Silver Sponsor.
Program Booklet Recognition: Name listed in the program booklet as a Silver Level Sponsor
Post-Season Recognition: Your sponsorship extends beyond the performance. We will continue to highlight your brand with 1 dedicated Facebook post following the end of the season to keep your support top of mind.
Fan T-shirts: Receive 2 CFPA Fan T-shirts for Silver Sponsors
Complimentary Tickets: 18 complimentary tickets with VIP entrance
Insert Flier: Your marketing flier insert in programs for all patrons (must follow all CFPA policy guidelines)
Social Media Shout-out: Gain recognition as a Gold Sponsor through a series of strategically spaced posts. Featured in 10 Facebook posts spread out throughout 5 months, ensuring consistent and impactful exposure to our online audience. Plus a direct link to your website or social media profile in each post.
VIP Entrance: Elevate your experience with exclusive reserved seating, granting you entry to the venue without the hassle of arriving early to secure prime spots in a general admission setup. VIPs enjoy reserved seating for 6 tickets, ensuring access to the VIP section whether they’re using complimentary or paid tickets.
Website Tribute: Name listed as a Gold Level Sponsor on our website
Event Live Recognition: Acknowledgment before each performance as a Gold Sponsor.
Program Booklet Recognition: Name listed in the program booklet as a Gold Level Sponsor
Exclusive Dress Rehearsal Invite: A special invite to the dress rehearsal, offering a behind-the-scenes view of the production as it transforms from rehearsal to stage. A memorable experience showcasing the cast’s growth.
Post-Season Recognition: Your sponsorship extends beyond the performance. We will continue to highlight your brand with 3 dedicated Facebook posts following the end of the season to keep your support top of mind.
Fan T-shirts: Receive 4 CFPA Fan T-shirts for Gold Sponsors
But don’t miss out on our exciting summer events! ☀️🎭
🌟”Cinderella” Summer Camp (For students who have completed grades K-8)
🎭 July Theater “Wicked Workshop” (For serious performers who have completed grades 2-12)
Explore Summer Events
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